Assessment is of paramount importance to both teachers and learners. It helps teachers measure their students’ learning progress towards the targeted standards. However, correcting piles of test papers at regular intervals is a stressful and time-consuming task that teachers are compelled to deal with. However, “There is always a digital solution for every paper-based problem”. Automated grading is a life-saver which consists in most cases of three main steps:
- Designing the test and the answer key.
- Scanning the students papers using a mobile phone or tablet.
- Analyzing and sharing the data collected.
There are a lot of cross platforms apps available on the net three of them are shared below.
It grades multiple choice quizzes and tests by the use of the smart’s phone camera as a scanner. Shots can be taken from any angle and test results are sent to the teacher’s email box…
Grade multiple choice tests,instantly in the classroom by using your Android device’s camera as a grading scanner. Numerous features are available to customize ZipGrade to meet different classroom needs: Free answer sheets in several formats and sizes, works without internet connection, secure backup of all graded papers and data…
The app is designed to help teachers to create multiple choice question exams and generate instant exam reports. Its main features are: create exam template with up to 240 questions, various answer option type ( Matrix, Numerical, 4 options, 5 options, True or False ), detailed exam report in Excel format, sends individual reports via email or through SMS messages..
– Supports various grading options