Needless to say that the reading skills are essential for young learners’ success at school. Reading supports cognitive development, improves language learning, enhances imagination and boosts creativity. Its benefits seem limitless and its impact is everlasting. With the evolution of the learners’ learning environment and the revolution in text-to-speech and speech recognition technology, kids have more options than just the traditional bedtime stories. Thanks to so many reading apps on app store or play store, they can enjoy a slightly more independent and fun reading experience.
We have selected three of the best reading android apps for kids. Let’s get started!
- Read Along is a free reading app for Android. It is ad-free and can be used offline. It is also highly interactive thanks to
text to speech and speech recognition technology. Kids can read aloud and receive feedback from an in-built buddy.The app combines fun and games to encourage young learners to read at their own pace, record their progress and receive stars and prizes.
- Khan Academy Kids includes thousands of lessons, fun activities and stories covering reading, maths, phonics and
much more. it is basically designed for young learners more specifically pre-schoolers through second grade but it can be beneficial for EFL young learners, too.
- News-O-Matic – Daily Reading is a news app for young learners. It features five daily articles on different topics
written and reviewed by writing experts before publication. The app also includes videos, maps,games, images and a read aloud support.